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Category Archives: Changing Your Life

Though it may sound counterintuitive, the occasional break can absolutely help to increase productivity. This is a way to pump the brakes, take a step back from life’s chaos, and strategize your next steps.

I know many people who put the pedal to the metal in the morning and go, go, go all day. Maybe they zone out occasionally, scrolling through social media or watching a show, but then they’re back at it the next day. This pace is not sustainable for most people, and it can often lead to burnout, discontentedness with work (or life), feeling distant from loved ones, or losing a sense of self. Believe it or not, one remedy is to take intentional breaks.

Keep in mind, an intentional break is different than mindlessly scrolling through Instagram or watching TV. Rather, an intentional break involves purposefully stepping away from work or tasks to recharge your mind and body. It could be a short walk outside, a mindfulness meditation session, or even a brief chat with a colleague. These breaks allow you to return to your work with renewed focus and energy.

Here are a few ways taking meaningful breaks can help:

Zoom Out Your Lens

When you’re living day-to-day in a state of constant activity and busyness, you can neglect to see the bigger picture. You tend to focus on the immediate tasks and lose sight of long-term goals and priorities. By taking intentional breaks, you can zoom out your lens and gain a fresh perspective. This mental shift helps you realign with what truly matters and avoid getting caught up in the day-to-day grind. Such breaks allow you to recharge, refocus, and come back with renewed energy and clarity to tackle challenges more effectively.

Course Correct

Sometimes when you look at the bigger picture, you realize you’re on the wrong track entirely. In these cases, it’s best not to panic! In truth, this is an opportunity—a chance to course correct and redirect your efforts in a more beneficial direction. Taking intentional breaks offers you the chance to step back, reassess your current path, and make any necessary adjustments. This pause in action can be a valuable opportunity to reset your course and ensure you’re moving in alignment with your long-term objectives.

Reflect On What’s Important

What matters most to you? Maybe it’s your family or close friends. Maybe it’s a particular cause that you’re involved with. Or, perhaps, it is a passion project or hobby. Whatever the case, taking meaningful breaks can help you gain clarity on your priorities. This allows you to reflect on what truly matters in your life and ensures that your actions align with your values.


Taking a break to relax your mind and body can lead to a burst of creativity and renewed energy. By allowing yourself this time to recharge, you can approach tasks with greater enthusiasm and focus. When you allow yourself quiet time, away from the bustle of everyday life, your mind has the tendency to rejuvenate itself and generate new ideas. This mental reset can be the key to overcoming creative blocks and finding innovative solutions to problems.

Intentional breaks can serve as a catalyst for increased productivity and overall well-being. By incorporating these pauses into your routine, you empower yourself to approach challenges with a fresh perspective and the energy needed to tackle them effectively. Remember, a moment of pause can lead to great strides forward.


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With spring in the air, the time is right for a little refresh. For many people, that means deep cleaning your house, getting rid of rarely used items, or reorganizing the cupboards…but what about spring cleaning your personal brand?

A personal brand is a reflection of who you are professionally, how you present yourself online and offline, and how you are perceived by others. It’s about ensuring your values, skills, and personality shine through consistently in all your interactions.

However, a personal brand can go stale. You might change your goals, perspectives, or outlooks, which necessitates a change in personal brand. But it may be a challenge to get people to stop seeing the old you and start seeing the present version of yourself. How do you overhaul your personal brand and start putting forward the new you?

Here are 6 suggestions for spring cleaning your personal brand:

Clarify Your Goals

To begin reworking your personal brand, it is essential to have a good understanding of your goals and aspirations. Where do you want to go? What do you want to achieve? A personal brand can help get you there by aligning your values, skills, and personality with your objectives. By clarifying your goals, you can tailor your personal brand to reflect who you are now and where you want to be in the future, ensuring consistency and authenticity across all interactions.

Be Your Best Authentic Self

Revamping your personal brand does not mean you’re inauthentic or flighty. Rather, it is simply a way to step into a different version of yourself—a version that reflects your growth, goals, and values at this moment. Embrace your authenticity and let it shine through in your personal brand.

Update Your Profiles

Ensuring that your online presence aligns with your current personal brand is crucial. Make sure to update your profiles (LinkedIn and other professional networking platforms) and website with fresh content, new achievements, and any changes to reflect your updated goals and values. This will help reinforce your professional image and showcase the most current version of yourself. Regularly reviewing and revising your online presence is a key step in maintaining a relevant and consistent personal brand.

Update Your Responsibilities

If certain aspects of your work match your goals better than others, it’s prudent to ask for responsibilities or projects that align more closely with your objectives. By taking on new tasks that better reflect your current goals and values, you can strengthen your personal brand and demonstrate your commitment to growth and development.


You do not have to undergo your brand revamp in secret. In fact, it’s a good idea to talk with your boss, mentor/sponsor, or even your co-workers (if appropriate) about the changes you’d like to make to support and reinforce the vision for your new personal brand. Remember to be tactful when asking for new responsibilities or aligning your roles to better match your evolving personal brand. By communicating openly with your colleagues and superiors about your goals and desired changes, you can foster understanding and support for your professional growth.

Own It

Although it may not come naturally at first, it is crucial that you “own” your new personal brand and be confident in its representation. Stand tall in your values, skills, and personality, and let them shine through in your day-to-day interactions. Consistency and authenticity in your personal brand will help others see and recognize the new you. Embrace the growth, the change, and the evolution that come with refreshing your personal brand.

Remember, your personal brand is a powerful tool that showcases your unique strengths and qualities. It’s about being true to yourself while also adapting and evolving as needed. Allow your personal brand to be a dynamic representation of who you are today, constantly aligning with your current aspirations and values.


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Many of my friends and colleagues tend to put themselves last. They go out of their way to help others, they stretch themselves thin, and they make sacrifices to support other people (whether family members or co-workers). When you’re so used to helping others, it may seem unnatural—or even selfish—to help yourself. However, that’s precisely what many of us need to do.

When we go, go, go and never stop to check in with ourselves and our personal wellbeing, we often get burnt out, irritable, and scattered. Many of us treat our vehicles better than we treat ourselves! We take our cars in for oil changes and tune-ups, we let the engine cool down after a long trip. Why can’t we treat ourselves with the same respect and care?

To me, self-care is not just a buzzword or a trend. It’s not self-centered or selfish. Rather, it is essential.

If we do not take care of ourselves, our health, relationships, and work can all suffer. Studies show that the majority of Americans do not get enough sleep or enough exercise, and that can take a serious toll on our energy levels throughout the day. But really, we don’t need studies to tell us that self-care is vital. All we have to do is pay attention to how we’re feeling. If you’re feeling unenergized, exhausted, or distracted, how will you be able to give it your all? How can you perform well at work? Or be a good friend or family member? Or rise to meet the challenges that tend to crop up on any given day?

You can’t. Or, at least, it is much more difficult to do these things when you’re not taking care of yourself. Instead of letting your personal wellbeing slip to the backburner, I challenge you to give it priority this coming month.

Here are a few ideas to practice better self-care:

  • Set aside time each day for self-reflection and relaxation
  • Engage in activities that bring you joy and help you unwind, such as reading, taking a walk, or listening to music
  • Prioritize getting enough sleep each night
  • Make healthy eating choices and fuel your body with nutritious foods
  • Stay hydrated by drinking enough water throughout the day
  • Take breaks during the workday to stretch and move your body
  • Connect with loved ones and nurture your relationships
  • Practice mindfulness or meditation to reduce stress and increase focus
  • Set boundaries and learn to say no when necessary
  • Seek support from a therapist or counselor if needed
  • Be kind to yourself and practice self-compassion

Remember that self-care is not a one-time thing. It is an ongoing practice that requires consistency and commitment. By prioritizing your well-being and making self-care a daily habit, you can increase your energy levels, reduce stress, and improve your overall quality of life. So take a moment to assess your current self-care routine and make any necessary adjustments. Remember, you deserve to take care of yourself just as much as you take care of others.


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