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Tag Archives: benefits of mentoring

If an employee is not quite rising to your workplace’s standards, that can be a delicate situation. On the one hand, if you critique the person’s work too harshly, they may become discouraged or frustrated, or they may even quit. On the other hand, if you do not underscore the importance of the situation, or if your feedback is not specific enough, that person might continue to operate in the same manner, and little will change.

How do you navigate this tightrope-like situation? How can you provide adequate feedback, guidance, and resources to help improve an employee’s performance? Here are three ways to make a meaningful difference:

Give Excellent Feedback

Unfortunately, it is incredibly easy to flub feedback. The feedback might be too vague, too harsh, or lacking a sense of urgency. When providing feedback to underperforming employees, I suggest keeping three things in mind:

1. Make It Specific

It isn’t enough to tell someone they need to “step it up” or “make strides.” Instead, give specific feedback on what the person is doing right and what they need to improve. It helps to open with the positive (“Sandy, your people skills continue to impress me. Customers say you’re easy to talk to and an excellent communicator”) and then move into the areas of improvement (“However, our numbers show that you have trouble closing the sale. Let’s talk about some of the potential roadblocks you’re facing…”).

2. Set Goals

When working on a specific area to improve, it is helpful to set SMART goals. SMART is an acronym that stands for:

Specific – the goals should be clear and well-defined.

Measurable – the goals should have measurable criteria for success.

Achievable – the goals should be attainable and realistic.

Relevant – the goals should be aligned with the employee’s role and the overall objectives of the organization.

Time-bound – the goals should have a specific time frame for completion.

By setting SMART goals, you provide the employee with a clear roadmap for improvement and a way to track their progress. This approach helps to ensure the employee understands what is expected of them and can work towards achieving those goals.

3. Create a Check-In Plan

It’s helpful to create a plan for regular check-ins with the employee. This allows you to monitor their progress, address any concerns or challenges they may be facing, and provide ongoing support and feedback. The frequency of the check-ins can vary depending on the employee’s needs and the urgency of the situation. It’s important to create a supportive and non-judgmental environment during these check-ins, so the employee feels comfortable discussing their progress and any obstacles they may be encountering.

Facilitate a Mentorship

Mentorship can be a valuable tool for improving an employee’s work performance. Pairing the underperforming employee with a more experienced and successful colleague can provide guidance, support, and valuable insights. The mentor can share their own experiences, offer advice, and help the employee develop the necessary skills and knowledge to excel. This one-on-one relationship allows for personalized guidance and can greatly enhance the employee’s professional growth. A mentorship program can be formal or informal, depending on the needs and preferences of the individuals involved.

Provide Necessary Resources

To support an employee in improving their work performance, it’s essential to provide them with the necessary resources. This could include training programs, workshops, online courses, or access to relevant materials and tools. By equipping the employee with the resources they need, you empower them to acquire new skills and knowledge that can enhance their performance. Additionally, offering ongoing learning opportunities demonstrates your commitment to their professional development and shows you are invested in helping them succeed.

By following a few intentional strategies, you can begin to make meaningful improvement in an employee’s work performance. Remember, communication is key, and it’s hard to know what your employee needs until you take the time to sit down and talk with them about their performance. Frame this an opportunity for growth and development, rather than a punishment. Creating a supportive environment can help foster continuous improvements and aid employees in reaching their full potential.


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Two women having coffee

Mentoring might seem like a one-sided deal on the surface. You put your heart and soul into training a new hire, you meet with them and provide resources, you answer questions. It all seems very time-consuming and, perhaps, a little annoying, BUT what if I told you mentoring is not a one-sided deal? What if I told you both parties—you and your mentee—benefit from your relationship?

Note: Ultimately, mentoring is about building up confidence and skills in another person. It’s not a selfish act. As a mentor, you’ll put in a few extra hours and some extra effort. A good mentor truly cares about nurturing and guiding their mentee.

However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t a few benefits for you! If you’re on the fence about mentoring, these 3 unlikely benefits might push you toward doing it:

1. It’s a chance to set a precedence

If you think the office is in need of some changes, you can set a new precedence with your mentee. If you think there’s too much gossip, a poor work ethic standard, or too many people handing in their assignments after they’re due, NOW is the time to start changing that. Helping instill good habits in your mentee not only helps them in the long run, but improves the office overall.

2. It can reveal knowledge gaps

One of the best ways to prove you know your stuff is to explain what you do to others. If you find you can’t answer all your mentees’ questions or cannot fully explain a certain aspect of your job, that might mean you need to brush up on that particular area.

By the way, if your mentee stumps you with a question, don’t fudge an answer. That’s doing both of you a disservice. Instead, use this as an opportunity to deepen your knowledge and learn something new.

3. It builds your reputation

If you volunteer to be a mentor, you’re demonstrating that you’re willing to go the extra mile to help the company. You also position yourself as a leader—someone who knows their stuff well enough to tutor others. Building this kind of reputation is not only good for your standing in the office, but also makes you more promotion-worthy.

Aside from the benefits I listed, mentoring can be a rewarding endeavor in itself. Helping someone learn and grow within your company is the kind of valuable work that can’t be assigned a price. Mentoring might give you a few personal benefits, but ultimately, it’s about building the competencies and instilling confidence in a new co-worker.

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Hands holding a seedling
Image via Pixabay

Striking out fresh in any career comes with its own set of challenges. If you’re lucky, you’ll enter into your industry with a few contacts and entry level skills before having to navigate where to look for employment and how to distinguish yourself from a large pool of talent. While this generation of young people are capable workers in their own right, young professionals don’t have the benefit of having experienced an industry for a decade or two like their superiors. Mentoring others provides a unique opportunity to fill in the gaps for these workers and offers many rewarding benefits:  

1 . Better Outcomes and Relationships

Mentoring, like tutoring, is an interpersonal skill. When people feel their voice is heard and being encouraged to grow, they are much more likely to remain engaged with their work and voice concerns more confidently. Any time you can foster better feedback from your team, the stronger the team becomes.

2. Reputation

Building a reputation as a mentor in your industry can become a distinguishing part of your career. Often, companies seek to draw upper-talent from pools of candidates that are known in professional circles to be helpful leaders and actively collaborative. Mentoring your employees demonstrates both of these skills easily and clearly, particularly for mentors who’ve done so throughout their career. As the adage goes: “You get back what you put in.”

3. Professional Development

Just because someone can benefit from the guidance of a mentor doesn’t mean they’re without skills to bring to the table. New workers, especially young people, often come with the proficiencies or strategies needed to approach new technology or use new software. You can take advantage of the personal relationship you strike with your mentee to have them teach you how to effectively use these tools. You both walk away more competent.

4. Networking

Life is long and careers often take unexpected twists and turns. The analyst that started at your company five years ago may quickly rise in the ranks of the industry to a sector you’re interested in doing business with or simply learning more about. The more people you can foster a mentoring relationship with, the wider you cast your net across the next generation of leaders. These relationships may end up among the most important in your working life.

5. Personal Fulfillment

Any teacher can attest to this last benefit. Mentoring is an opportunity to open yourself to others whose perspective may be entirely different from your own. Learning from one another about subjects that extend beyond the scope of your job will enrich you personally and professionally.

Mentoring others is essential to bridging the gap between generations of workers. Stepping up to help guide colleagues through this process will not only reward your mentee and yourself, but your industry as a whole. So take a leap and share what you know!


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