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Tag Archives: Margaret Smith business coach

We are a society of instant gratification and quick rewards. We order a package from Amazon, it arrives within a day or two. We want to watch a show, we switch to our streaming platform of choice and tune in. We want a meal, we order online and receive it at our doorstep. With so many ways to instantly satisfy our needs and wants, many of us have forgotten how to practice patience.

Patience is a crucial attribute in both our personal and business lives. It can help us weather storms, create robust strategies, and maintain a sense of calm. When we’re patient, we also tend to be gentler and more civil to those around us, from the overworked barista to the co-worker who is juggling multiple responsibilities.

In my experience, patience is absolutely an asset when it comes to business. A patient leader…

…takes the time to get to know their team members.

…invests in skill-building training.

…collects data and gives projects a chance before changing course.

…strategizes and considers options before jumping in.

…recognizes that development and progress may take time (and celebrates small victories along the way).

Believe it or not, patience is a skill you can develop. Some people may be innately less patient than others—looking at you “red energy” and “yellow energy” folks (see my post on Insights® Discovery if you don’t get that reference)! However, all people can improve their patience. I suggest building patience with the following four steps:

Develop Awareness

The first step to becoming more patient is to recognize when you’re being inpatient or impulsive. Start noticing when you’re being short with others, or you’re tempted to make a decision or take an action before you have all the information. Once you start becoming aware of your own impatience, you can begin to correct this tendency.

Start Practicing

Start practicing patience in small, daily interactions. Pause before reacting to minor inconveniences, give people more time to express themselves fully, and allow projects to unfold at their natural pace. Over time, these small adjustments will become habits, and you’ll find yourself naturally more patient in various situations.

Challenge Yourself to Go One Step Further

After practicing daily patience, it’s a good idea to challenge yourself to apply it to more significant situations. When faced with a tough decision or a challenging project, consciously choose to approach it with patience. Allow the process to unfold without rushing to conclusions or taking shortcuts. When you’re tempted to give into an impulse say to yourself, “I can go just one step further.” That might mean waiting another day, asking one more person for advice, or doing just one more hour of research.

Recognize This Takes Time

As you’re developing your patience, you’ll have to (ironically) be patient with your progress! Developing a new skill takes time and consistent effort. Celebrate the small victories along the way, acknowledging that progress won’t happen overnight. But with concerted effort, you will eventually build this skill.

Patience is a virtue that can enhance your leadership skills, decision-making abilities, and overall well-being. Remember, by developing your patience, you’re not just benefiting yourself but also fostering a more positive and productive environment for those around you. Embrace the journey of building patience and enjoy the transformative impact it can have on your personal and professional life.


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With spring in the air, the time is right for a little refresh. For many people, that means deep cleaning your house, getting rid of rarely used items, or reorganizing the cupboards…but what about spring cleaning your personal brand?

A personal brand is a reflection of who you are professionally, how you present yourself online and offline, and how you are perceived by others. It’s about ensuring your values, skills, and personality shine through consistently in all your interactions.

However, a personal brand can go stale. You might change your goals, perspectives, or outlooks, which necessitates a change in personal brand. But it may be a challenge to get people to stop seeing the old you and start seeing the present version of yourself. How do you overhaul your personal brand and start putting forward the new you?

Here are 6 suggestions for spring cleaning your personal brand:

Clarify Your Goals

To begin reworking your personal brand, it is essential to have a good understanding of your goals and aspirations. Where do you want to go? What do you want to achieve? A personal brand can help get you there by aligning your values, skills, and personality with your objectives. By clarifying your goals, you can tailor your personal brand to reflect who you are now and where you want to be in the future, ensuring consistency and authenticity across all interactions.

Be Your Best Authentic Self

Revamping your personal brand does not mean you’re inauthentic or flighty. Rather, it is simply a way to step into a different version of yourself—a version that reflects your growth, goals, and values at this moment. Embrace your authenticity and let it shine through in your personal brand.

Update Your Profiles

Ensuring that your online presence aligns with your current personal brand is crucial. Make sure to update your profiles (LinkedIn and other professional networking platforms) and website with fresh content, new achievements, and any changes to reflect your updated goals and values. This will help reinforce your professional image and showcase the most current version of yourself. Regularly reviewing and revising your online presence is a key step in maintaining a relevant and consistent personal brand.

Update Your Responsibilities

If certain aspects of your work match your goals better than others, it’s prudent to ask for responsibilities or projects that align more closely with your objectives. By taking on new tasks that better reflect your current goals and values, you can strengthen your personal brand and demonstrate your commitment to growth and development.


You do not have to undergo your brand revamp in secret. In fact, it’s a good idea to talk with your boss, mentor/sponsor, or even your co-workers (if appropriate) about the changes you’d like to make to support and reinforce the vision for your new personal brand. Remember to be tactful when asking for new responsibilities or aligning your roles to better match your evolving personal brand. By communicating openly with your colleagues and superiors about your goals and desired changes, you can foster understanding and support for your professional growth.

Own It

Although it may not come naturally at first, it is crucial that you “own” your new personal brand and be confident in its representation. Stand tall in your values, skills, and personality, and let them shine through in your day-to-day interactions. Consistency and authenticity in your personal brand will help others see and recognize the new you. Embrace the growth, the change, and the evolution that come with refreshing your personal brand.

Remember, your personal brand is a powerful tool that showcases your unique strengths and qualities. It’s about being true to yourself while also adapting and evolving as needed. Allow your personal brand to be a dynamic representation of who you are today, constantly aligning with your current aspirations and values.


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Some people seem to have a natural presence that commands attention. When they speak, people listen and pay attention. Even in a crowded meeting room, they seem to have no trouble being heard. If you are not one of these people, this may seem like a skill that is beyond your reach.

How do you develop the confidence, poise, and presence to get others to tune in to what you’re saying? How do you make sure your voice is heard? Let’s talk about 5 ways to command the room.

Use Powerful Body Language

At times, your body language can say more than your actual words. To convey confidence, stand tall with your shoulders back, and make eye contact with your audience. Use hand gestures to emphasize your points (but don’t go too wild!) and try to remain calm and at ease. Avoid crossing your arms or slouching, as this can make you appear closed off or disinterested.

Speak with Conviction

Another important aspect of commanding the room is speaking with conviction. Speak with clarity and purpose, and project your voice (but don’t shout) so others can hear you. If you mumble or speak too softly, your message can get lost and others may think you lack confidence.

Control the Pace and Tone of Your Voice

To command the room, it’s crucial to control the pace and tone of your voice. Speak slowly and clearly, allowing your words to resonate with impact. Vary your tone to convey different emotions and maintain the audience’s interest. A monotone voice can quickly lose their attention (watch a few TED Talks speeches to see how the speaker varies their voice to engage the audience).

Practice, Practice, Practice

Preparation and practice are key to commanding the room. When you know your material inside and out, you won’t have to worry about stumbling through what you need to say. It is also a good idea to anticipate any questions or criticisms that may arise (and practice your response). Practice what you’re going to say multiple times to build confidence and ensure smooth delivery. The more prepared you are, the more effectively you can command the room.

Engage with Your Audience

It is easy to lose your audience’s attention if you speak at them and not with them. The best speakers are engaging speakers—ones who encourage participation by asking questions, seeking input, or sharing relatable stories. Show genuine interest in what others have to say and actively listen to their responses. This not only establishes a connection with your audience but also keeps them paying attention and invested in your message.

Keep in mind, few people are born with the ability to command a room. This takes deliberate effort, practice, and time. You might not nail it right away, but that’s okay! Keep practicing, pay attention to how others respond to you, and don’t give up. With practice and confidence, you can become a skilled speaker who commands attention and leaves a lasting impact on your listeners.


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